December Holiday Celebration Gathering:
Join us Saturday, December 8, 5-7PM, Inn at Wecoma Breakfast Room, for appetizers, refreshments, cheers and toasts and anything else we can think of to celebrate the holiday season. Our thank you for being an REIA member!
We will be collecting food for the food pantry as well. Here are a few ideas of items food pantries are always looking for:
Canned Beans
Canned Chicken
Canned Fish (Tuna and Salmon)
Canned Meat (SPAM and Ham)
Canned Vegetables
Cooking Oils (Olive and Canola)
Dried Herbs and Spices
Fruit (Canned or Dried)
Granola Bars
Instant Mashed Potatoes
Meals in a Box
Peanut Butter
Shelf-stable and Powdered Milk
Soup, Stew and Chili
Whole Grain Cereal
Pet Food is also important for furry friends.