Roads End Improvement Association
REIA General Meeting Summaries
Cassidy Boyle, Lincoln City's Emergency Preparedness Coordinator gave us an informative presentation about how Lincoln City is becoming more prepared to handle emergency situations

Cassidy Boyle, Lincoln City's Emergency Preparedness Coordinator gave us an informative presentation about how Lincoln City is becoming more prepared to handle emergency situations

Guest Speaker Seargent Randy Weaver covered the many ways police are serving our community

Guest speaker Jeanne Sprague, Director of Lincoln City Parks and Recreation presented a summary of recent projects including much needed beach access improvements in the planning stages

Conversation with members about issues important to the neighborhood.

Prof. Gilbert Bernhardt presented an overview of the geologic history of the Roads End area and central Oregon Coast.

Mayoral candidate forum featuring current Mayor Susan Wahlke and City Council member Riley Hoagland.

State Representative David Gomberg, Coastal District Manager, OPRD Preson Phillips and Lincoln City Manager Daphnee Legarza joined us to discuss beach access improvements.

State Representative David Gomberg gave us a summary of his work during the current legislative session and answered member questions.

Updates from Dr. Leslie Ogden, CEO of Samaritan North Lincoln Hospital - how they coped with covid cases and a look and some new hospital services and expansion plans.

Jeff Syrop, Director of the North Lincoln County Historical Museum gave an account of Orrice Brown Adler and family settling in Roads End.

Anne Marie Skinner, Lincoln City Planning Director provided background information about the department and updates on upcoming codes and variances.
Mayor Walke provided a city government update.

Ward 1 City Councilors Elaine Starmer and Mitch Parsons joined us for a Town Hall discussion.

Public Works Director Stephanie Reid spoke about projects specific to Roads End.
City Councilor Elaine Starmer provided a brief update.

Ken Murphy, Lincoln City Emergency Preparedness Coordinator gave us an update on the approved Evacuation Plan.
Councilor Elaine Starmer gave us a City Update.

Jim Rice of the Oregon Marine Mammal Stranding Network provided interesting information about stranded mammals on our beach
Board Updates

Sgt. Randy Weaver gave us updates on several enforcement issues and crime statistics.
Government Updates
Board Updates

Ward 1 City Council Candidate Forum
Summer Social in August cancelled
Board Updates

Lincoln City Emergency Preparedness Coordinator Ken Murphy and North Lincoln CERT President David Jamieson presented important information and tips.
Board Updates/City Updates

Tina French, President, North Lincoln Sanitary Service presented trash and recycling information
Board Updates/City Updates

Mayoral Forum
City Council Update

Guest Speaker Lila Bradly spoke about the Public Works Plans
City Council Update

Guest Speaker Jeanne Sprague spoke about the Parks and
Recreation Plans
City Council Update

Guest Speaker Paul Robertson spoke about the Cascade Head Biosphere Reserve
Update from Diana Hinton

Guest Speaker Lila Bradley, Director of Public Works
Update from Diana Hinton

Guest Speaker Sergeant Randy Weaver
Member Survey
Update from Diana Hinton

Echo Mountain Fire

July 4 Fireworks Review

Annual Meeting
Covid-19 Updates
Lincoln City Police Chief Jerry Palmer presented July 4 Expectations

Dr. Lesley Ogden, CEO of Samaritan Hospitals (Lincoln City and Newport) discussed our new local hospital

Lincoln City Police Chief Jerry Palmer and the City's Urban Renewal Director Presented.

Lincoln City Police Chief Jerry Palmer and the City's Urban Renewal Director presented

Kelsey Adkisson from the Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife, Marine Reserves Program presented

REIA member Gae Linfoot provided and information about sex trafficking and young people. Ward 1 City Counselor Todd Barker also led a discussion about fireworks

Lexi Howell from north Lincoln Sanitary Service came to talk trash with us. She told us about her family business and some interest changes coming to recycling.

Lincoln City Police Department Chief David Broderick joined us to give us an update of police activities and briefly discussed July 4 fireworks plans.

At our April meeting we heard from Daphnee Legarza, City Manager for Lincoln City, who offered updates on several projects, aims and goals of the city, Also in attendance wre Mayor Susan Wahlke and Ward 1 City Councilor Todd Barker.

Jeanne Sprague, Director, Lincoln City Parks and Recreation gave us an update on new park developments and beach access point improvements.

Our guest was Alison Dennis, Executive Director for the Sitka Center for Arts and Ecology. We heard about the many educational opportunities at the center.

Our guest this month was Rhiannon Bezore, with the Oregon Coastal Management Program of the Oregon Department of Land Conservation and Development. Her talk focused on the relationship between global warming, rising sea levels and changing ocean temperatures.

We had a chance to meet REIA member Todd Barker, who has stepped forward as a write in candidate for the vacant Ward 1 City Counselor position.

Zoning codes concerning fence heights where discussed. Our guest was Skyler Gerrity, an Assistant Wildlife Biologist with Oregon Dept. of Fish and Wildlife, who's presentation concerned wildlife conflict issues and Roads End and how to mitigate them.

City Manager Daphnee Legarza and Lincoln City Police Sergeant Randy Weaver offered a detailed account of the city's efforts to control fireworks activities.

Dawn Villaescusa, President of the Audubon Society of Lincoln City Gave us a rundown of the healthy osprey population in and around Lincoln City, and offered tips on where and how to see them.

Preson Phillips, representing the Oregon Parks and Recreation Department, updated members on various projects.

Cassidy Boyle, Lincoln City's Emergency Preparedness Coordinator gave us an informative presentation about how Lincoln City is becoming more prepared to handle emergency situations

Guest Speaker Sergeant Randy Weaver covered the many ways police are serving our community

Guest speaker Jeanne Sprague, Director of Lincoln City Parks and Recreation presented a summary of recent projects including much needed beach access improvements in the planning stages

Conversation with members about issues important to the neighborhood.

Prof. Gilbert Bernhardt presented an overview of the geologic history of the Roads End area and central Oregon Coast.

Mayoral candidate forum featuring current Mayor Susan Wahlke and City Council member Riley Hoagland.

State Representative David Gomberg, Coastal District Manager, OPRD Preson Phillips and Lincoln City Manager Daphnee Legarza joined us to discuss beach access improvements.

State Representative David Gomberg gave us a summary of his work during the current legislative session and answered member questions.

Updates from Dr. Leslie Ogden, CEO of Samaritan North Lincoln Hospital - how they coped with covid cases and a look and some new hospital services and expansion plans.

Jeff Syrop, Director of the North Lincoln County Historical Museum gave an account of Orrice Brown Adler and family settling in Roads End.

Anne Marie Skinner, Lincoln City Planning Director provided background information about the department and updates on upcoming codes and variances.
Mayor Walke provided a city government update.

Ward 1 City Councilors Elaine Starmer and Mitch Parsons joined us for a Town Hall discussion.

Public Works Director Stephanie Reid spoke about projects specific to Roads End.
City Councilor Elaine Starmer provided a brief update.

Ken Murphy, Lincoln City Emergency Preparedness Coordinator gave us an update on the approved Evacuation Plan.
Councilor Elaine Starmer gave us a City Update.

Jim Rice of the Oregon Marine Mammal Stranding Network provided interesting information about stranded mammals on our beach
Board Updates

Sgt. Randy Weaver gave us updates on several enforcement issues and crime statistics.
Government Updates
Board Updates

Ward 1 City Council Candidate Forum
Summer Social in August cancelled
Board Updates

Lincoln City Emergency Preparedness Coordinator Ken Murphy and North Lincoln CERT President David Jamieson presented important information and tips.
Board Updates/City Updates

Tina French, President, North Lincoln Sanitary Service presented trash and recycling information
Board Updates/City Updates

Mayoral Forum
City Council Update

Guest Speaker Lila Bradly spoke about the Public Works Plans
City Council Update

Guest Speaker Jeanne Sprague spoke about the Parks and
Recreation Plans
City Council Update

Guest Speaker Paul Robertson spoke about the Cascade Head Biosphere Reserve
Update from Diana Hinton

Guest Speaker Lila Bradley, Director of Public Works
Update from Diana Hinton

Guest Speaker Sergeant Randy Weaver
Member Survey
Update from Diana Hinton

Echo Mountain Fire

July 4 Fireworks Review

Annual Meeting
Covid-19 Updates
Lincoln City Police Chief Jerry Palmer presented July 4 Expectations

Dr. Lesley Ogden, CEO of Samaritan Hospitals (Lincoln City and Newport) discussed our new local hospital

Lincoln City Police Chief Jerry Palmer and the City's Urban Renewal Director Presented.

Lincoln City Police Chief Jerry Palmer and the City's Urban Renewal Director presented

Kelsey Adkisson from the Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife, Marine Reserves Program presented