A few days ago a Eurasian Collared-Dove flew into our living room window and landed on the deck. It was a "hard landing" at best. 14 hours later the bird was still there looking healthy but not flying away. A friend suggested I call Harry Dodson who rescues critters in distress. A NewsGuard article from 8/27/2017 said:
"Dolphins, raccoon cubs, hawks, and opossums: At one time or another, each of these creatures could be found in the passenger seat of Harry Dodson’s pick up truck.
Dodson, 63, has been a volunteer rescuing injured and malnourished wildlife in Oregon for about two decades.
One of his favorite stories involves a pelican he found on the riprap in Gleneden Beach. As soon as he climbed up to the bird, it ran down towards the beach, Dodson in pursuit.
“When it saw the big wall of water in front of it, it turned around and ran right into my arms,” he said."
I called Harry and sure enough he said to box it up and bring it to his house in Oceanlake. I did. Harry is bringing it back to flying shape. He said it was a young bird so maybe it hadn't earned its wings just yet.
Harry can be reached at 541.921.0048. He said it was OK to give out his number.
So, if you have a Dove fly into your window, see a deer in distress, or come across a seal on the beach, you can call Harry for advice. Depending on the situation, he may ask you to call Oregon State Police or a wildlife refuge or bring the animal to him (like a bird). He's a wonderful resource and extremely kind man.
